In Poland you can be sure of a terrific hunting experience


  • Hunting in State-owned Hunting Areas
  • Professional Hunting Organization
  • Well-tested Products
  • Amazing Trophies
  • Coveted European Game Species
  • Strong Hunting Traditions

Our Favourite Hunting Destination

Poland is, with its size and varied nature, a real hunting paradise and for many hunters it is Europe’s premier hunting destination. Poland has more regulars amongst our customers than any other European destination, and many return here year after year. Everybody can hunt here – from the inexperienced first time hunter to old hands with many years of experience. In Poland you can find all our favourite game species, and population densities of game are very high. Trophy quality is improving year after year, thanks to professional game management and a very well organised hunting regime. Poland is also characterised by an exceptional degree of hospitality, and over the years many friendships have arisen between visiting foreign and Polish hunters.

About Poland

Poland shares a border with 7 different countries: Germany, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, The Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus and Russia (Kaliningrad). Moreover, Poland has a long northern border with the Baltic Sea. Poland, at 312.685 km2 in size, is the 9th largest country in Europe with around 38.5 million inhabitants, of which 90% are catholics.Through the northern part of the country flow the rivers Wisła, Wartha and Odra. Large areas are covered in forest. the central part of Poland is predominantly flat, fertile and has a large agricultural production. The southern part of the country is more mountainous but less fertile. Poland is a country undergoing rapid development, and has much to offer. Here you can find everything from medieval architecture, castles from the age of knights and chivalry, large modern cities to rural areas where the preferred mode of transport is a horse and cart.

Hunting in Poland

Diana Hunting Tours offer a wide range of the very best State Forest Districts, with whom we have been working with for decades. We know that everything is well organised, the hunting personnel well trained, experienced and responsible , and our long term agreements with these districts are our customers guarantee that they will receive a high quality product. In Poland hunting is only carried out of nature’s own terms. Hunting always takes place in the open countryside - hunting in fenced enclosures is prohibited by law. The same is true for the “cultivation” of large trophies using artificial means.

Polish hunting districts are large – roughly speaking from 3,000 to 30,000 hectares. The most popular game species are roe deer, red deer and wild boar, but Poland is also home to good population of fallow deer, mouflon, fox, racoon dog, ducks and geese - in a few individual districts you can even find European bison (wisent). All hunting in Poland is carried out with your own individual hunting guide, who knows his district inside out. It is this hunting guide who will point out the game you are permitted to shoot. On individual hunts you will typically go out hunting twice during the day, from early in the morning before sunrise and again in the late afternoon/evening around the hours of sunset. On driven hunts hunting takes place all day - but for safety reasons only when the light is good.

Accommodation in Poland

Our hunters normally stay with the head gamekeeper and his family in the hunting district itself. The standard of accommodation has developed rapidly in recent decades, and in by far the most districts, can be described as good.  Meals are generous in size and of a very good standard, prepared with good local ingredients, and often featuring game. Only water, coffee and tea are usually served with meals, so if you prefer to drink soft drinks, beer, wine or spirits, you will need to bring your own beverages.

Polish Culture

In Poland it can be a great idea to combine hunting with a family holiday - especially if your family enjoys outdoor activities.  You can also choose to hunt in a district close to one of the larger cities, which will give a great opportunity of experiencing Polish culture. It is also still very cheap to go shopping in Poland. Some districts offer you the chance to go fishing, or to take a ride in a horse drawn cart, but it is always a good idea to let the district know about your wishes in good time before your arrival.

Quite simply Poland can offer everything, you simply need to pack your suitcase and rifle, and off you go. Some great adventures await you in this wonderful hunting destination!


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Hunting stories


James Males on red stag hunt in Ladek Zdroj

Dear Sacha and dear Ulla,

The trip arranged by DIANA was, in a word, perfect.

First, my thanks to you two for patiently helping me along the way - Polish rifle permit, transport and general tips.

Secondly, the Polish staff associated with the hunting were excellent, and I would say, we all had a good sense of humor.
Adam: he was waiting for me at the arrival airport, but he had to go to the WC just as I arrived, and his
mobile phone was off or on silent - so he did not hear when it rang. But with the help of a fellow in the
Information booth we did get together.

Marta. I would say she was the brains of the whole enterprise. She ran the hotel, translated and
had all sorts of important contacts, including the Director of the Breslau Airport ( who had hunted there).
He had prepared the Lufthansa staff at the airport for me with rifle and two stag heads.

Sylvester, the guide. I have seldom met a more competent and pleasant hunter. Very tall, handsome and athletic. He gladly reduced his stride and pace so that I could keep up with him up and down the steep mountainside, and he knew every nook of the large district. I met his lovely family at his invitation. His 4X4 was clean and neat ( as he was), and he was punctual.

Matagosia. She is an employee from Adam's office and took me back to Breslau via Grottkau. Very intelligent and modern in her worldview and yet determined to become a hunter herself. On the morning
she took me to the airport we had to be careful with the time because that same morning she had to take
the Hunter's Examination. Everything worked out for her ( 99/100 correct answers) and for me, too. One more plus, through M's partner, Hubert, I learned Zwibgnew from Kliniska, is still alive and I hope to get Z's e-mail address later.

District Only problem was the monoculture forest. Game plentiful enough, and the hunting was difficult enough to let the hunter be happy ( if not proud ) of any success. The staff at retrieved the game and prepared the trophies for transport were efficient and very organized. They had done it all many times before.

I am looking forward to the next adventure with your company, to France Oct 2019 - so god will.

Many thanks!


Jagttur til Zmigrod oktober 2018

Vores tur startede fredag morgen med kurs mod Polen, hvor alle Havde meget store forventninger til nogle dage med jagt og afslapning for min kone og hunden. Som debutant i hjortejagt havde jeg specielt glædet mig. Efter en overnatning nåede vi reviret lørdag midt på dagen og efter frokost var der testskydning af riffel og derefter en aftenpursh. Derefter resterede 3 hele jagtdage med morgen jagt og aftenjagt. Disse dage blev uforglemmelige med spændende pursch en super jagtguide og godt selskab af tre gæve jyske jægere. Reviret levede op til alle beskrivelser og med en super service og gode værelser var de Polske værter medvirkende til at vi fik en god oplevelse ud af opholdet.

Udbyttet af jagtopholdet stod også mål med alle forventninger en meget stor dåhjort, en kronhjort og en hind. Jeg kan kun anbefale Zmigrod reviret, hvor vildtet var talrigt og hele oplevelsen både af jagt og revir gav en oplevelse for både mig som jæger og min kone som jagt interesseret medrejsende.

Tak til Diana Limpopo for en perfekt service og hurtige svar på amatørernes mange spørgsmål om rejse og ophold. Og tak til Søren, Nikolaj og Rasmus for godt selskab og hyggelige stunder.

Catrine og Hans Eriksen

Staffan in Milicz

It was well organised and run under the management of the forester and very professional guides. I had booked 10 outings and one stag. After 6 outings I had 19 observations and 3 shooting opportunities out of which I was able to stalk a bronze medal stag. As we stayed at the forester´s house I could enjoy the nice park and parade from my window. The stay was very comfortable with good service (including a good interpreter) and excellent company out of which a Geman hunter was returning for the 22nd time, which is as good a testimony as anybody can get!

Best regards


Simon i Chojna

Michael Lassen i Wierzchlas

Kæmpe jubilæumshjort !


Igennem rigtig mange år har jeg besøgt reviret MILICZ 67 – Kubryk i Polen, og jeg tænker ofte tilbage på mange og spændende jagtoplevelser – sammen med Jurek, Jozef, Wojtek, Maciej og Karo. Jeg har altid nydt min jagtferie her og har knyttet mange venskaber med andre jægere. Opholdet i jagthuset – med fremragende forplejning og venlige medarbejdere – har altid ført mig tilbage til dette fantastiske jagtrevir, hvor lange pürsch og mange ophold i hochsitz – med og uden jagtheld - har givet mig et jagtligt fædreland nr. 2. Jagten på skovens konge – kronhjorten – trækker mig magisk til Kubryk, igen og igen. Jeg har nedlagt meget kronvildt på reviret – små hjorte, bedre hjorte samt meget stærke hjorte, og jeg sender min store tak til DIANA Jagtrejser og til alle dem, jeg har måttet jage med gennem alle årene.

Den 13. september 2020 startede jeg bilen for igen at køre til Milicz. Efter ankomsten til jagthuset hilste jeg på jagtførster Maciej samt nogle jagtvenner fra Münsterland, som jeg har truffet på Milicz tidligere. De havde allerede nedlagt hjort. Der blev hurtigt pakket ud, idet Maciej havde travlt og pressede på for at komme afsted på jagt. Vi kørte ud på en del af reviret, som jeg kendte fra tidligere år, men hvor jeg ikke havde jaget før. Vi tog plads i et lille drivjagtstårn, hvor der kun lige var plads til os begge. Vi er slet ikke for tidligt på plads, for efter ganske kort tid gør Maciej tegn til mig – det er bevægelse i buskadset. Vi kan kun se enderne på geviret, da hjorten kommer gennem terrænet, men pludselig kommer han ud på engen ca. 350 meter væk og står helt frit og brøler. Vi har nu mulighed for at bedømme hjorten – det er en stærk og moden hjort med et stort udlæg. Den prøver at holde sammen på sin rudel og render frem og tilbage, men den kommer ikke tættere på. Så pludselig går alt meget hurtigt – hjorten og hinderne trækker ind i det tætte 2 meter høje buskads og er hele tiden i bevægelse. Hjorten driver hinderne tættere og tættere sammen. Vi kan nu se de øverste ender af geviret. Jeg er klar med riflen og venter på, at hjorten skal komme fri. Den brøler stadig og skifter plads, mens den driver hinderne frem og tilbage. Pludselig – på 175 meter – står han halvvejs fri, og jeg kan lade skuddet gå. Hjorten tegner godt og forsvinder efter 50 meter ind i buskadset. Vores lille tårn vakler en del, også Maciej var blevet ramt af jagtfeberen. Efter en kort og anspændt ventetid forlader vi tårnet for at lede efter hjorten. Det er svært i den tætte bevoksning, men der ligger han!  Så står vi der foran den nedlagte kronhjort – en hjort med et udlæg og størrelse som på en wapiti. Vi er overvældede over størrelsen på geviret på den gamle, stærke og modne kronhjort. Vi har nu brug for lidt ro. Jeg tænder en cigaret, mens Maciej henter hjælp til at få bjerget hjorten. Ladt alene tilbage med kronhjorten bliver det langsomt mørkt – det er en herlig aften, vildsvinene trækker forbi mig i vildnisset, og ænderne flyver tilbage til søerne. Efter 1,5 timer kommer Maciej tilbage med Wojtek og Karo – begge betragter hjorten og er begejstrede. Jeg er sikker på, at alle er enige om, at der ligger en særlig stærk brunsthjort. Det er allerede mørkt, men hjorten skal brækkes, bjerges og køres tilbage til jagthuset. Her venter man allerede på os med et stort knæk og bræk, parade, snak og fest. Det bliver en lang aften.

Jeg har nu tid og bruger de næste dage på at jage med kameraet. Også jægerne fra Münsterland fik nedlagt hjorte. Alle er spændte på at se, når hjortene kommer tilbage fra præparatoren. Selv en jagtferie får en ende, men inden afrejse skal hjortene vejes og bedømmes, og der skal skrives protokol.

Et utroligt jagtresultat: 11 år gammel, gevirvægt 10,37 kg, stanglængde 114 cm, rosenkrans 28,1 cm =  237,62 CIC-points !!

Maciej overrækker mig en guldmedalje - vi er begge rørte og vil aldrig glemme denne fantastiske jagtoplevelse, og jeg kan rejse hjem med min jubilæumshjort for 25 års jagt i Polen på revir Milicz. Jeg takker igen jagtførster Maciej samt hans jagtførere Wojtek og Karo for en uforglemmelig jagtoplevelse og tager afsked i håbet om et snarligt på gensyn  - alle ved godt helbred.

Knæk og bræk
Dieter Peschke

Jens Ulrik in Poland

Darz bór!

In the beautiful fall of Northern Europe, it is time to manage the roe deer population. In the hunting area Maniszewo alone they cull 170-200 roe does and fawns during every season. Follow Jens on a hunt for field dwelling roe deer in huge Polish fields October 2013.

One by one, the bagged deer were weighed and tagged while their weight and gender was carefully noted. We were two hunters who had been hunting for three days and when everything was accounted for, there was 286 kg’s of fine venison in cold storage destined for dinner plates all over Europe. Between us, we had managed to bag slightly less than 15% of the annual quota of the entire area.

Are you coming?

The opportunity to go to Poland had suddenly materialized out of thin air a little more than week earlier. The hunting area Maniszewo in Northwestern Poland was looking for hunters interested in roe deer culling on very short notice. That type of hunting is always a challenge and furthermore it is very inexpensive. The fact that we were welcome to take some of the fine meat home with us just added to the attraction. Not surprisingly, my good friend Eric and I proved easy to persuade.

Furthermore, I was going on a big trip to Africa a few weeks later and I really wanted to try out my brand new rifle kit consisting of a Mauser M03 with a Zeiss Victory HT 2.5-10x50 on top. This was the perfect opportunity.

I picked up the rifle and scope the day before we headed for the hunt in Poland. Upon our arrival, we had a little less than an hour before we would head out on the first outing with our guides.
We were in luck! Behind the huge fenced garden of the guesthouse, there was a fine little 100 meter shooting range equipped with a homemade but very sturdy shooting bench. I quickly assembled the brand new rifle – it only took a few seconds – and I made a couple of crude paper targets with a ball pen on the back of some tax return slips from the bottom of the trunk. I knew that the gun makers at the Mauser factory had test-fired the rifle but I did not have a clue what ammunition they had used. I just hoped that the first shot with the Norma Oryx ammunition I had chosen for this hunt would land somewhere on the target so that I could start zeroing the scope properly.

Spot on!

With the rifle resting on my cap, I squeezed off the first shot. I clearly saw that the center of the reticle was comfortably within the blue ink dot as the shot rang out. I immediately took a close look at the target. Through this scope, I would easily be able to see any holes in the white paper but I found none.

We walked to the targets expecting anything. However, as we got closer a logical explanation became obvious. The bullet had punched a nice little hole in the small blue bull’s-eye exactly in the position of the crosshairs as the shot went off. Not a bad start at all! I went back and fired another shot. It also had the courtesy to land where I was aiming and thus I finished the fastest zeroing process I had ever experienced. Sometimes you simply get lucky – today it was my turn!

I matched the proper ballistic ring on the ASV+ ballistic turret to the flat shooting load I was using and felt as ready as I could be. Having faith in your equipment is a big part of any good hunting experience. On this particular hunt, I already trusted a scoped rifle that I had only fired twice!

Oceans of rapeseed

Half an hour later, I was sitting beside Zbigniew Jania in his tiny Suzuki 4WD on our way to the hunt. The hunting area of almost 18,000 hectares was divided in five subdivisions with a dedicated guide on each. Zbigniew’s area mainly consisted of big fields and to make things worse most of these fields were newly sown, black and barren. Therefore we were also allowed to hunt in one of the other subdivisions where the fields were greener and more attractive to the deer but even larger than in my guides main area. Several of these vast green oceans in the landscape were between 100 and 200 hectares from “coast to coast” without any form of natural cover.

I gazed at the scenery through the foggy window and thought that it would not be easy to get within shooting range of the roes in this wide-open terrain. My fears proved to be very real. Plenty of roe deer in small family groups filled the fields but they constantly fled in panic several hundred meters in front of the vehicle.

My guide stopped the engine at the end of a never-ending hedge stretching hundreds of meters in front of us only to disappear behind a low hill. The enormous field was harvested but there were plenty of green weeds scattered in tuffs all over the place. 500 meters away two roebucks were staring at us. Behind them, there was a roe doe and two fawns browsing. There was absolutely no chance of getting in range of these animals but my experienced guide had another simple plan. Slowly and with the wind in our faces, we would walk along the hedge up the hill. With a little luck, we would surprise some deer on the other side of the hilltop at more reasonable distances.

Far out

We mowed cautiously forward. The bucks we had seen when we started our stalk intensely followed every step we took. We approached the hilltop. Suddenly Zbigniew froze and raised his binoculars. On the other side of the hill, numerous little groups of deer were browsing the field!

I moved behind him and followed him in a smooth silent gait towards the top. He often stopped to look at the animals for a long time before slowly moving on.  On the top, he put his three-legged shooting sticks up and used them to steady his binoculars. The nearest group of deer was foraging quite a bit in front of us. It was a doe with two fawns and a young doe from last year.

The disappointment in my guide’s voice was clear. “They are too far away”, he said.

”How far?” I asked silently blaming myself for not having a rangefinder with me.

His reply fell withour hesitation in the tone of voice you would expect from a man who has laid eyes on tens of thousands of roe deer through the years. “250 meters!” I lifted the ASV+ turret on the riflescope and turned it to the clear line between the 200 and 300 meter markings.

Zbigniew saw my move and understood immediately. Without uttering a word, he took a long step to the side to allow me free access to the shooting sticks. I placed the forearm in the fork of the sticks, turned the magnification to 10X and cocked the rifle. Zbigniew was staring at the deer seemingly very keen not to miss the show that was about to unfold before his eyes.

Moment of truth

”The right one!” he said to let me know that we were trying to bag the young doe. Less than a second later, the blast of the muzzle rolled over the landscape. Within the time it takes to blink, we got the sound of the bullet impact in return. It sounded like a distant but heavy blow to a large drum. The deer was knocked to the ground. It got up, while the others took flight, but it fell over immediately and never got on its feet again.

A loud and spontaneous ”WOW!” was Zbigniew’s only comment.  I turned towards him and was greeted by a wide smile. Roe deer was running wild all over the field and we both saw a single doe crossing the field behind us at full speed. Zbigniew quickly moved the sticks and said ”shoot if you get the chance!”. I had dialed the ASV+ turret back to 170 meters and thus I was ready for any distance between 150 and 200 meters.

I followed the jumping roe through the scope. Just a few seconds before it reached the salvation of the hedge it made the fatal mistake that seems imbedded deeply in the genes of roe deer. It stopped to orientate. The firing pin fell instantly – and so did the deer. The distance was approximately 180 meters. I was more than satisfied. The first two shots at game with the new rifle had resulted in to fine roe does. They fell less than 20 seconds apart and yet at a distance between them of nearly half a kilometer.

The guide went to pick up the car while I went to wait by the nearest deer.

The last bite

Zbigniew was there in a few minutes and he started the mandatory ceremony to honor the killed animal at once. He picked a bundle of short rapeseed twigs and placed most of them in the mouth of the roe as a last bite before its final journey to the eternal rapeseed fields. He gently dipped the remaining two twigs in the blood of the entrance wound, placed one on top of the bullet hole and presented me with the other carefully placed on his own hat. As I took it, he gave me a firm handshake and said “Darz Bór!” – an old Polish greeting between hunters. I replied using the same words and carefully placed the little twig with the heartblood of my quarry in my hat. It is a beautiful tradition and to Zbigniew there were no exceptions – all the game we killed was honored with the same heartfelt respect. 

We arranged the two animals for a photograph and in a matter of a few minutes, they were gralloched and loaded on the back of the car.

During the following days I had the good fortune to bag another eight of these shy Polish roe deer. The average shooting distance was in the area of 175 meters while a few were shot at as much as 250 meters. In total, I now have 12 empty spaces in my first box of ammo for this rifle. I am fairly content with the statistics so far considering I used two shots on paper. I choose to believe that the thousands of shots I have fired on paper targets during the past few decades have somehow improved my luck.

Grand finale

When we ended the hunt after three short days, we arranged all the deer for a photo on the lawn in front of the hunting house. As a final ceremony, our guides played the horn signals for “roe deer” and “Darz Bór” over the dead animals. The trophies of this remarkable three-day adventure were plentiful. First and foremost there is the happy memories of the hunt and the nice trip in the company of a good friend. However, the nice photos and not least the fantastic roe deer venison that hibernates in my deep freezer are also great trophies indeed.

When I raise my glass at our dinner table to toast “Darz Bór!” in the months to come my thoughts will fly to enormous Polish fields filled with light-footed roe deer, salty guides and a rifle I could blindly trust…


Practical information for Poland

Your flight tickets and itinerary will be send approx. 10 days before departure.

Passport, drivers license, vehicle registration certificate, vehicle insurance papers, national weapon permit, and European firearms passport.
IMPORTANT: If you take your own car you have to remember to drive with min. dipped headlights 24 hours a day.

Zlotty. You can import ulimited amounts of Polish currency. Amounts with a value of over € 2,000 must be declared.

As ticket agents for the various Cross-channel ferry companies, we would be glad to help British or overseas hunters arrange boat transportation, issue tickets, and make reservations to either Hamburg in Germany of Rotterdam in Holland. We can, of course, also assist with booking flight tickets if you prefer to fly to Poland. If you live in Europe, we can help with transfer permits if you travel using your own car, or help with transportation, if you choose to use public transport. A detailed itinerary giving departure and arrival times will be sent to you approx 10 days before your departure.

A Polish guide (interpreter) will assist you during your entire stay in Poland. It is up to you, whether you would prefer to meet the guide in the hunting district or at another pre-arranged meeting-point, which is easy for both of you to find(i.e. a hotel,  market place or similar). Groups booked on driven and small driven hunts are kindly requested to arrive in the district during the afternoon, on the day before the first day hunting.

Since Poland ]oined the EU on May 1st 2004, it is no longer necessary to obtain a Polish weapon permit. The hunter only needs to being his /her European firearm passport. Remember to check that it is still valid and that the information on it is correct.

You need to being your European firearms passport and the Polish "white voucher". This voucher documents that you are going on a legal hunt in Poland. Without it you will be denied entry into Poland with your rifle. LIMPOPO will send this voucher to you together with your final travel documentation.

Please note that our travel and cancellation insurance also includes hunting liability . Since hunting liability insurance is required for all hunting travel in Europe, you must have such an insurance policy. We assume that you have a valid hunting licence, which is a condition for you being covered by the insurance. Please read the enclosed brochure. If you need to cancel, you will receive an credit note to the value of the price of the trip.

For those, who are only allowed to take out cancellation insurance (for example American citizens), please make shure you take out hunting liability insurance yourself.

This insurance is compulsory and costs Euro 40,-. Please be aware that it is only a 3rd party inhurance. IMPORTANT: In the case of personal injury LIMPOPO must report the incident to the insurance company within 24 hours, in the case of damageto property e.g. dogs within 5 days. It is therefore very important that you report to us well within these time limits.

A prerequisite for a successful hunting trip is that your equipment, fitness, weapons and marksmenship skills are in good order. It is also important to have a good theoretical knowledge of the hunt you are participating in. Last but not least, it is too late to learn how to shoot when, for instance, you are on your point on a driven hunt and the wild boar are running past your position at full speed. Your rifle or the shot gun must be in 100% working order. They must be checked, the rifle must carefully calibrated ("shot -in") and the scope coizectly mounted. In Poland it is forbidden to shoot stags with a calibre smaller than 6.5 and we recommend using a heavy bullet. But for roebucks we recommend a calibre of .08W or 30.06 or similar if you plan to also shoot wild boar.

The Polish rules are as follows:
ROE DEER: At a distance of 100 metres the bullet must have an impact energy of 1,000 joules. OTHER GAME: At a distance of 100 metres the bullet must have an impact energy of 2,000 joules.

You must be ptepated to shoot from a longer range than that you might be accustomed to. Distances of 150—200 metres are not unusual. These distances miight appeal long, but if you know your rifle and you have good scope mounted, then it is possible to make a secure shot from these distances. It can often be difficult to get closer to a roebuck, which often will be in one of the large meadows, that makes hunting in Poland so magnificent.

On your hunt you will always have a local “stalker” with you. Even if the local stalkers only speak Polish, they usually know the most important hunting terms in German of English. However you quickly learn how to communicate with them using gestures or facial expressions. The hunting sucesses depends largerly on your stalker, for this your stalker will expect a small tip for a job well done, approx. € 15—25 per day.

It has been determined by law that all hunts must be reported to the police not later than 7 days before the beginning of the hunt — stating the exact dates lot the hunt and the address of the accommodation. This means that unannounced inspections can occur. They will not only want to check if all your papers are in order, but they will also check if the hunters are hunting with alcohol in their blood. The permitted level of alcohol in your blood when driving in Poland is 0.0%, and the same goes for carrying a rifle.

A fixed price arrangement means that you have bought an arrangement where you have, in advance, paid for accommodation, hunting, and trophy fees, together with the right to hunt the agreed number of game. This means that you know the total price of your hunt, as well as the total number of game you are allowed to shoot,  before the departure. On certain arrangements, you will be refunded for game not grassed/wounded. On fixed price arrangements, a protocolled wounding counts as a kill. For driven hunts, shooting cull- animals is usually free of charge for the hunters.

If you have booked a price list arrangement, this will be clearly stated on your booking confirmation. A basic price including stay and accommodation will figure on your confirmation. Additionally you will be charged a deposit for your trophy fees. Both amounts must be paid to us before departure. Between 1 ½ and 3 months after your return from Poland, we receive a statement from Poland, and based on this, we shall prepare a final invoice for your “trophy fee account”. If your deposit was higher than this ammount, you will immediately receive a refund. However if the deposit paid was lower, you will receive an invoice which you are requested to pay within 8 days of receipt. With regard to the wounding of an animal on a price list arrangement: Please see our price list.
SHOOTING: In Poland they always aim a complying with the hunters’ wishes as closely as possible. However, on rare occasions, it may not be possible to shoot certain game animals because of the selective shooting policies in place.

To get the best possible result from your hunt, it is important use a rifle scope that can be used in low-light conditions, preferably with a well-marked cross. A telescopic scope with variable magnifying capacity is recommendable but not compulsory. Your binoculars should also be suited to low light conditions.

The Polish authorities have introduced a system of charges for game shot during the close season. The charges are as follows:
Red deer zloty 5.800,-
+ 2.000,- zloty for a trophy up to 5,5 kg
+ 7.000,- zloty for a trophy from 5,5 kg and up

Fallow deer zloty 2.300,-
+ 1.500,- zloty for a trophy up to 2,6 kg
+ 3.000,- zloty for a trophy from 2,6 kg and up

Sika zloty 5.500,-
+ 1.000,- zloty for a trophy up to 2,0 kg
+ 2.500,- zloty for a trophy of 2,0 kg and above

Roe deer zloty 2.000,-
+ 1.000,- zloty for a trophy up to 430 g (brutto)
+ 5.000,- zloty for a trophyvof 430 g and above

Wild boar zloty 2.300,-
Mouflon zloty 1.800,-
Other game zloty 1.000,-

Game shot within the hunting season but without permission of the hunting leader has to be paid according to the trophy price list + a punishment of 100%.
Since it is a violation of a law, the Polish organizers are also required to report the accident to the police. However, there is no need to panic. Even though the law is very strict and the results of a possible “accident” should not be made light of, the organizers will nevertheless do their utmost to minimize the damage. However, it is very important to take this law into serious consideration when shooting roe deer on driven and small driven hunts. Always check an extra time before shooting.

In connection with hunts on whichallowed to shoot wild boar, we have a humble request – PLEASE AVOID SHOOTING SOWS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. As hunters, we all have a common interest in maintaining a good, strong and sustainable population of this splendid animal.
Therefore, if on an individual hunt, please inform your hunting guide that you do not wish to shoot sows – and on driven hunts please check an extra time before you fire your rifle.

If you succeed in shooting your stag/stags (according to what has been agreed) at the beginning of your hunting trip, it will often be possible to shoot wild boar. However, this must be arranged with our office before your departure. (Price as well as number of game)

Whether you have chosen a fixed price arrangement, with the trophies included, or you have booked a price list arrangement, you must pay extra if you shoot any game which is not included in the arrangement you have booked. The voucher sent to you before departure will clearly show the allowed game. The only additional game  not mentioned on the voucher, which you are normally allowed to shoot is fox (hunting-season 1/6-31/3) It is free to shoot a fox, but if you want to buy the pelt, the price is €22,90, to be paid after your return. If, during your stay, you decide to take an additional hunting day or extra game, this can normally be arranged. Please note that hides are not included in the price. 

As a rule, all transportation to, in, and from the hunting area is not included in the price. However, on the driven hunts, transportation within the hunting area is included in the price. If you use the vehicles provided by the hunting service during your stay, we can inform you that a drive with a horse drawn carriage costs €14,- per hour, and if you use a car it costs between €35-55,- / PLN 150-232,- per hunter per day. This will be charged to you after your return from Poland, based on the hunting report (protocol), signed by you in Poland.

Before you depart from the hunting area, you will be required to sign a hunting report (protocol) (in Polish “Protocol z polowania”). In this hunting report (protocol), everything you have shot/wounded, weight or length of trophies, arrival- and departure time, hours used in the vehicles of the hunting service etc. will be entered. In your own interest, please check that the text in the hunting report (protocol) corresponds exactly to the services you have received. Your signature is binding, and a possible later invoice from us is based on this hunting report (protocol). If you have bought a fixed price arrangement, it is still very important that you check that the trophy size written in the hunting report (protocol) is correct, as this will greatly influence the  price level fixed-price hunts for the following year.

In the hunting report (protocol), there is a space where you may make your own remarks. It is important that any possible disagreements between you and the hunting organizers is entered in this space. Please also file any complaint you may have i regarding the arrangement in Poland to us. If you fail to do so, possible complaints will not be accepted in Poland, and consequently it will be extremely difficult for us to help you. IN ADDITION, REMEMBER: You are 100% responsible for what is written into the protocol when you sign it.

If nothing else has been agreed, our clients will be accommodated in twin-bedded rooms. For accommodation in single rooms  a supplement of €18,- per night is payable. If you book individually, and if you are alone in the district, you will automatically be charged for a single room, even if you have not booked one. If, during your stay, you are given a single room, and if you sign the hunting report (protocol) to that effect, you will be charged the supplement, irrespective of the reason why you obtainied a single room.
BREAK OF STAY: If, for any reason, clients cancel part of their booked stay, NO refund will be made for unused services.

When hunting aboard, you represent the hunters of your country. The people you meet will naturally judge the standard of hunters from your country, from the way you behave. Fortunately, LIMPOPO hunters are generally welcome, and we would very much like this to continue, so we urge you to maintain calm and dignity in any crisis or disagreement.

As you have probably heard, car theft and theft from cars is still a problem in Poland as in others countries. We would therefore urge you, in your own interest, to show the utmost caution when parking your car – even if only for a short time. Whenever possible you should use car parks with an attendant, often located near large hotels. Never park in side streets or in badly lit areas. Only park in streets with heavy traffic or in squares. We would also recommend that you install some kind of alarm system as well as a locking bar on the steering wheel.
PETROL: Petrol, including unleaded, can be bought in most of Polish towns. Normally you pay for this in zloty, but on most of the bigger gas stations, you can pay in Euro as well or with credit card.

If, contrary to all expectations, any problems should arise during your stay, which you feel unable to solve yourself, please contact us either by phone – 0045 62 20 25 40 or fax – 0045 62 20 25 42, during office hours. As we have already informed, it is too late to correct any misunderstanding or faults after your return home. Therefore, it is vital that you contact us immediately, if problems arise, in order that we may correct any misunderstanding on the spot. It is only possible for us to react to complaints, brought to our attention immediately and entered into Polish hunting report (protocol).

LIMPOPO has established an emergency telephone service, whereby our clients can reach us 24 hours a day – 7 days a week – and talk to a competent member of our staff. We would like to stress that this service is intended for emergency calls only, where contact with LIMPOPO or next of kind is vital. Please feel free to use this line, when necessary, but please also avoid any unnecessary calls - +45 30 26 25 40.

As this changes all the time, please check, what is allowed from your country.

We always appreciate hearing from you after your return home. It is of the utmost importance for us to know, what happens “out there”. This is the only way; we can develop and possibly improve our hunting tours. Therefore – whether you wish to praise or criticize – please let us hear from you! We hope, the above answers all the questions; you naturally have before the trip. Should you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Hunting Area


Anne Fick

Telephone: (+45) 63 21 43 15

Michael Holstein Schmidt

Telephone: (+45) 63 21 43 11

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