PRICE €890
Contact to order (+45) 62 20 25 40

Roebuck Hunt in Zmigrod

Very varied countryside. Good population of roe deer with the chance of a large trophy. Lovely accommodation in the district itself. Large discounts on wild boar. Read more about roebuck hunts in Poland


  • District 27,284 hectares in size – of which lakes make up 4,000 hectares
  • Annual shooting quota: 397 head of roe deer – including 129 bucks
  • Most bucks are between 230-350 grams, possibility of a few of over 400 grams
  • Lovely accommodation in the district itself
  • Our “oldest” state owned district in Poland

3 days from €890

Roebuck hunting in Poland has become a wonderful tradition amongst rifle hunters. The season starts in the spring - on May 11th -, and continues right up to the end of September. In other words it is possible to enjoy both hunting earlier in the spring  as well as an exciting, traditional rut hunt in July/August, when it is possible to callup the bucks. If you are a true roebuck enthusiast, you really should  not miss any of these highlights!

The population of roe deer in Poland is, thanks to longstanding strict game management policies, both very large and very dense. Year after year this wealth of game brings hunters from all over north western Europe to the vast Polish hunting districts to try their luck.
We can offer a wide range of the very best State Forest Districts in western Poland, all of which can deliver top quality roebuck hunts. The Polish districts can offer trophies of different sizes, leaving you free to choose whether you would prefer to hunt for a number of smaller bucks or go for a single, really good, trophy. These State Forest Districts all have well trained, experienced and  very responsible hunting guides, who each have their own areas in the districts, which they know like the back of their own hands.

The hunt usually takes the form of stalking or lying in wait on one of the towers that have been optimally placed in each district, with regard to the deer’s behavioural patterns. You will go out hunting twice a day, once in the early morning starting before dawn, and again in the late afternoon/evening during the hours around sunset.

No matter which season you have chosen to go roebuck hunting, it will always be possible to combine your hunt with hunting for wild boar, again early in the morning and in the late evening, which are the periods the boars are most active.
We are able to offer fixed price packages, on which a hunter only need to follow the advice of his guide and does not need to worry about a large extra bill if you shoot a really good trophy.  It is also possible to hunt following the districts regular price list, or our graduated price list with several categories of trophy size. Simply let us know in advance how you would like to hunt, and we will trailer your trip to it your wishes exactly!

Hunting stories


Jagttur til Zmigrod oktober 2018

Vores tur startede fredag morgen med kurs mod Polen, hvor alle Havde meget store forventninger til nogle dage med jagt og afslapning for min kone og hunden. Som debutant i hjortejagt havde jeg specielt glædet mig. Efter en overnatning nåede vi reviret lørdag midt på dagen og efter frokost var der testskydning af riffel og derefter en aftenpursh. Derefter resterede 3 hele jagtdage med morgen jagt og aftenjagt. Disse dage blev uforglemmelige med spændende pursch en super jagtguide og godt selskab af tre gæve jyske jægere. Reviret levede op til alle beskrivelser og med en super service og gode værelser var de Polske værter medvirkende til at vi fik en god oplevelse ud af opholdet.

Udbyttet af jagtopholdet stod også mål med alle forventninger en meget stor dåhjort, en kronhjort og en hind. Jeg kan kun anbefale Zmigrod reviret, hvor vildtet var talrigt og hele oplevelsen både af jagt og revir gav en oplevelse for både mig som jæger og min kone som jagt interesseret medrejsende.

Tak til Diana Limpopo for en perfekt service og hurtige svar på amatørernes mange spørgsmål om rejse og ophold. Og tak til Søren, Nikolaj og Rasmus for godt selskab og hyggelige stunder.

Catrine og Hans Eriksen

General Conditions for Poland 2020/21

Single Room Supplement
Unless agreed otherwise all accommodation is in double- or 3/4-bedded rooms. A supplement for single room will be charged for, if:

• you travel alone
• a group has an uneven number of persons
• you are given a single room in the accommodation - REGARDLESS of the reason.
• you sleep alone in a room with more beds
• you book a single room

Transport during the hunt
For most hunting districts a fixed price for transport during the hunt has been agreed. The price is per hunter, regardless if you are provided with an “individual” vehicle or not. The prices vary from Euro 40 – 60 per hunter per day.

The hunt
In Poland all hunting is on 1:1 basis – so that each hunter has his own hunting guide. The Polish hunting guide is responsible for choosing the game to be shot, but it is always the guest hunter who – after having been given the permission to shoot - decides if he/she wants to shoot or not. The hunting guide always does his best to
comply with the wishes of the hunter, but it is always the person behind the rifle who takes the final decision.

Extra days hunting
If you wish to extend your stay by one or more days, this should be arranged with your interpreter or us during your stay. In some cases an extension may not be

Interruption of hunting
If, for any reason, you leave the hunting district early, there will NOT be any reimbursement to clients for any planned activities that have been booked but not carried out.

Extra meals
A lengthened stay including a single meal will be charged at Euro 22.-.  A lengthened stay that includes 2 meals will be charged at the rate for a full extra day’s

If you bring your own dog you will be charged a sum of Euro 10,- per day, which will normally be payable directly to the hunting district. Please be aware that not all hunting districts will accept clients bringing their own dogs. To enter Poland a dog must have a valid dog passport and be able to be identified with a readable ear tattoo or microchip.

An interpreter is obligatory for all hunting districts. Please inform us in advance whether you would prefer an English or German speaking interpreter. In some districts the interpreter = hunt manager or hunting guide.

Agreements between DIANA’s clients and staff/forester in the districts will not be accepted under any circumstances. Any hunting guest is responsible for his signed protocol - regardless of ”private” agreements - verbal or written.

Trophy Deposit
When you confirm your booking of one of our hunts, we will request a trophy fee deposit. On your return home this amount will be adjusted to reflect the actual results
of your hunt. The deposits are as follows:

Red stag: Euro 1.100,-
Roebuck: Euro 200,-
Fallow buck: Euro 400,-
Wild boar: Euro 200,-
Mouflon: Euro 800,-
Driven/small driven hunts Euro 410,-

Game shot out of season
The Polish authorities have introduced a
system of charges for game shot during the
close season. The charges are as follows:

Red deer: 5,800- zloty
+ 2,000- zloty for trophies up to 5,5kg
+ 7,000 zloty for trophies over 5.5kg

Fallow deer: 2,300- zloty
+ 1,500- zloty for trophies up to 2,6kg
+ 3,000 zloty for trophies over 2.6kg

Sika deer: 5,500 zloty
+ 1,000 zloty for trophies up to 2.0kg
+ 2,500 zloty for trophies over 2.0kg

Roe deer: 2,000 zloty
+ 1,000 zloty for trophies up to 430g
+ 5,000 zloty for trophies over 430g

Mouflon: 1,800 zloty

Wild Boar: 2,300 zloty

Other species: 1,000 zloty

Game shot within the hunting season but without permission of the hunting leader has to be paid according to the trophy price list + a punishment of 100%.

We advice all hunters to oversee the weighing and measurement of trophies before signing the hunting protocol – regardless of which package you bought. If a hunter wishes to bring home the whole head of a game animal, its weight will be set in the hunting district. The cost will then be calculated from that weight. We therefore
can NOT recognise any claims arising from this. This also applies to the measurement of wild boar tusks. If a hunter wishes to bring home the whole head, the tusks
will be measured with the visible part being assumed to make up 1/3 of the total length. Trophies are normally weighed and measured 24 hours after boiling. If a hunter
leaves the district earlier than 24 hours after the trophy was boiled, it will be the wet weight that will be entered on the protocol and it will not be possible afterwards to
claim any refund on the price charged – regardless of circumstances. If you, for any reason, have cause to lodge a complaint or request a refund, this HAS TO be done in the protocol or it will not be possible for us to handle your case after you return home. Please note that when you sign the protocol you confirm that everything stated within it is 100% correct. 

Settling of your final account
The settling of your final account will take place after we has received the hunting protocol from Poland, which can take 4-6 weeks, regardless if monies will be refunded
or an extra charge made. An extra invoice has to be paid within 10 days, also if you by any reason have decided to leave the trophy and/or skins etc. in the district for later pick up or posting. Please be aware that sick or previously wounded game shot by the guest hunter and entered into the protocol has to be paid according to the usual price lists.

It has been determined by law that all hunts are to be reported to the police not later than 7 days before the beginning of the hunt - stating the exact dates for the hunt
and the address of the accommodation. This means that unannounced inspections can occur. They want to check if all personal papers are okay and also if the hunters are hunting with alcohol in the blood. The blood alcohol level for driving in Poland is 0.0% and the same goes for carrying a rifle.

Choice of calibre
Polish regulations state the following ROE DEER: From 100m the bullet must have energy on impact of 1,000 joules. OTHER GAME: From 100m the bullet must have energy on impact of 2,000 joules.

Driven-/small driven hunts
Please be aware that it is only allowed to use telescopic sights of max. x3 magnification for driven and small-driven hunting. Variable sights that can be adjusted down
to x3 magnification and below are allowed. That is to say that, for example a 2.5 – 10x magnification is allowed. Sights with a fixed magnification of more than x3 are not allowed. According to the polish law each hunter HAS to wear min. 2 elements in fluorescent colours – et means yellow or orange.

It is normal to give a small tip to your hunting guide, to the translator and the kitchen. How much you give is up to your own discretion.

Full Moon Calendar 2020/21
10th January
09th February
09th March
08th April
07th May
05th June
05th July
03rd August
02nd September
01st October
31st October
30th November
30th December
28th January
27th February
28th March

Hunting seasons 2020/21

Roebuck 09.05.-30.09.
Roe Does/Lambs 01.10.-17.01.
Red Stag 21.08.-28.02.
Red Deer Hind 01.09.-17.01.
Red Deer Calf 01.09.-28.02.
Fallow Stag 01.09.-28.02.
Fallow Deer Does and Kids 01.09.-28.02.
Wild boar: Keilers, yearlings, piglets Whole Year
Mouflon Rams 01.10.-28.02.
Mouflon Ewes/Lambs 01.10.-17.01.
Fox 30.05.-31.03.
Badger 01.09.-30.11.
Racoon dog Whole Year
Wild Ducks 15.08.-21.12.
Wild geese, West Poland 01.09.-31.01.

The price includes

  • 3 days accommodation (cat. “S”) with full board
  • 3 days roebuck hunting with own hunting guide (6 outings)
  • All licences and related fees
  • Boiling of trophies

The price does not include

  • Final settelment of shot game
  • Transport during the hunt, PLN 341,- per hunter/per day
  • Extra hunting day € 270,-
  • Stay without hunt/non hunter €120,-
  • Supplement for single room per hunter/day € 26,-
  • Interpreter per person/day
    (1 day is obligatory - rest is optional - must be ordered in advance):
    1 hunter: € 160,-
    2 hunters: € 80,-
    3 hunters: € 60,-
    4 hunters: € 45,-
  • EU-public liability insurance € 10,00 (obligatory)
  • Tips
  • Sale of venison:
    - Roe deer, € 8,10 per kg.
    - Wild boar, € 4,20 per kg.
    - Red and fallow deer, € 5,95 per kg.
  • Sale of skins:
    - Untreated (whole animal), € 21,- per kg.
    - Fox and raccoon dog (whole animal), € 47,-
    - From mouflon ram € 165 and sheep/lamb € 97,-

Trophy Price List

All roebucks shot will be settled according to the following price-lists:
Up to 149 g € 100,00
150-199 g € 240,00
200-299 g € 350,00 + € 0,80 pr. g over 200 g
300-349 g € 430,00 + € 8,40 pr. g over 300 g
350-399 g € 850,00 + € 12,80 pr. g over 350 g
400-499 g € 1.490,00 + € 14,60 pr. g over 400 g
von 500 g € 2.950,00 + € 17,76 pr. g over 500 g
Wigged buck € 3.870,00
Wounding € 345,00

Alternative price list – Roebuck:
Up to 199 g € 220,00
200-349 g € 410,00
350-399 g € 810,00
400 g and above € 945,00
Wigged buck € 3.870,00
Wounding € 345,00

It will also be possible to shoot wild boars according to the following price list:
Wild Boar:
140 mm - 159 mm                             € 700,00
160 mm – 199 mm                             € 780,00
+ € 20,75 pr. mm over 160 mm
200 mm and above                           € 1.610,00
+ € 24,70 pr. mm over 201 mm

Keilers under 140 mm and for piglets and yearlings are charged for by weight, as follows:
Piglets, yearlings:
Up to 29,99 kg                                    € 115,00
30-49,99 kg                                        € 230,00
Yearlings, keilers, sows:
50-79,99 kg                                        € 450,00
From 80 kg                                         € 490,00
Wounding of piglets,
young boars, keiler and sows                € 150,00


The following discount is available for wild boars:
50% discount on all boars up to 13,9 cm tusks
25% discount on keilers from 14 cm tusks and above



Price pr. 15/1-2024


Anne Fick

Telephone: (+45) 63 21 43 15

Michael Holstein Schmidt

Telephone: (+45) 63 21 43 11

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