*On the assumption that this period is available
PRICE €1,395

Combination Hunt in Wierzchlas

Popular state-owned district with a good population of wild boar, red deer and roe deer. It is on just this very district we started our popular combination hunts. Good standard, charming accommodation with a cosy atmosphere. Super meals.
Read more about Combination hunts in Poland


  • District 11.773 hectares in size
  • Annual shooting quota:  138 wild boar, 100 stk. red deer, 77 stk. roe deer
  • Up to 8 combination hunts annually – alternatively small driven hunts can be arranged
  • Charming accommodation in the middle of the district 

4 days from €1,395

Quiet, informal, cozy and cheap. A real hunter thrives best in the company of good friends!….

Combination hunts are a popular combination of small driven hunts and individual hunts during the autumn and winter.  Normally a small driven hunt for groups of 5 -7 guns are arranged in the mornings, while afternoons are spent on individual hunts.

These hunts often produce very decent results and are always very enjoyable of spending time in the company of your hunting friends.
We have access to a wide range of the very best State Forest Districts in western Poland, of which the  vast majority offer top quality hunting. These State Forest Districts all have well trained, experienced and  very responsible hunting personnel, who all have a job connected to the district.

The hunt starts with a briefing around dawn, where the head gamekeeper tells about how the hunt will progress, and inform you about the safety procedures during the hunt.

Normally our combination hunts take place over 4 days and include 3 days hunting,. Typically 5-7 guns are needed to adequately cover the drives.
The small driven hunt will carry on until midday, then each hunter will be assigned his own guide and resume hunting in the form of stalking after hinds or wild boar.

This form of hunting is a quieter alternative to large driven hunts. The return per hunter is, as a rule, slightly higher than on a driven hunt and comradeship - because of the group’s more modest size - more close. Generally it is also possible to buy meat at very attractive prices.

Many groups book their hunt together year after year with their regular hunting comrades. You can hunt on a fixed price package, or following the price-list, depending on what the group prefers. But take care - you can quickly become addicted to these hunts.

Hunting stories


Michael Lassen i Wierzchlas

Jens Ulrik in Poland

Darz bór!

In the beautiful fall of Northern Europe, it is time to manage the roe deer population. In the hunting area Maniszewo alone they cull 170-200 roe does and fawns during every season. Follow Jens on a hunt for field dwelling roe deer in huge Polish fields October 2013.

One by one, the bagged deer were weighed and tagged while their weight and gender was carefully noted. We were two hunters who had been hunting for three days and when everything was accounted for, there was 286 kg’s of fine venison in cold storage destined for dinner plates all over Europe. Between us, we had managed to bag slightly less than 15% of the annual quota of the entire area.

Are you coming?

The opportunity to go to Poland had suddenly materialized out of thin air a little more than week earlier. The hunting area Maniszewo in Northwestern Poland was looking for hunters interested in roe deer culling on very short notice. That type of hunting is always a challenge and furthermore it is very inexpensive. The fact that we were welcome to take some of the fine meat home with us just added to the attraction. Not surprisingly, my good friend Eric and I proved easy to persuade.

Furthermore, I was going on a big trip to Africa a few weeks later and I really wanted to try out my brand new rifle kit consisting of a Mauser M03 with a Zeiss Victory HT 2.5-10x50 on top. This was the perfect opportunity.

I picked up the rifle and scope the day before we headed for the hunt in Poland. Upon our arrival, we had a little less than an hour before we would head out on the first outing with our guides.
We were in luck! Behind the huge fenced garden of the guesthouse, there was a fine little 100 meter shooting range equipped with a homemade but very sturdy shooting bench. I quickly assembled the brand new rifle – it only took a few seconds – and I made a couple of crude paper targets with a ball pen on the back of some tax return slips from the bottom of the trunk. I knew that the gun makers at the Mauser factory had test-fired the rifle but I did not have a clue what ammunition they had used. I just hoped that the first shot with the Norma Oryx ammunition I had chosen for this hunt would land somewhere on the target so that I could start zeroing the scope properly.

Spot on!

With the rifle resting on my cap, I squeezed off the first shot. I clearly saw that the center of the reticle was comfortably within the blue ink dot as the shot rang out. I immediately took a close look at the target. Through this scope, I would easily be able to see any holes in the white paper but I found none.

We walked to the targets expecting anything. However, as we got closer a logical explanation became obvious. The bullet had punched a nice little hole in the small blue bull’s-eye exactly in the position of the crosshairs as the shot went off. Not a bad start at all! I went back and fired another shot. It also had the courtesy to land where I was aiming and thus I finished the fastest zeroing process I had ever experienced. Sometimes you simply get lucky – today it was my turn!

I matched the proper ballistic ring on the ASV+ ballistic turret to the flat shooting load I was using and felt as ready as I could be. Having faith in your equipment is a big part of any good hunting experience. On this particular hunt, I already trusted a scoped rifle that I had only fired twice!

Oceans of rapeseed

Half an hour later, I was sitting beside Zbigniew Jania in his tiny Suzuki 4WD on our way to the hunt. The hunting area of almost 18,000 hectares was divided in five subdivisions with a dedicated guide on each. Zbigniew’s area mainly consisted of big fields and to make things worse most of these fields were newly sown, black and barren. Therefore we were also allowed to hunt in one of the other subdivisions where the fields were greener and more attractive to the deer but even larger than in my guides main area. Several of these vast green oceans in the landscape were between 100 and 200 hectares from “coast to coast” without any form of natural cover.

I gazed at the scenery through the foggy window and thought that it would not be easy to get within shooting range of the roes in this wide-open terrain. My fears proved to be very real. Plenty of roe deer in small family groups filled the fields but they constantly fled in panic several hundred meters in front of the vehicle.

My guide stopped the engine at the end of a never-ending hedge stretching hundreds of meters in front of us only to disappear behind a low hill. The enormous field was harvested but there were plenty of green weeds scattered in tuffs all over the place. 500 meters away two roebucks were staring at us. Behind them, there was a roe doe and two fawns browsing. There was absolutely no chance of getting in range of these animals but my experienced guide had another simple plan. Slowly and with the wind in our faces, we would walk along the hedge up the hill. With a little luck, we would surprise some deer on the other side of the hilltop at more reasonable distances.

Far out

We mowed cautiously forward. The bucks we had seen when we started our stalk intensely followed every step we took. We approached the hilltop. Suddenly Zbigniew froze and raised his binoculars. On the other side of the hill, numerous little groups of deer were browsing the field!

I moved behind him and followed him in a smooth silent gait towards the top. He often stopped to look at the animals for a long time before slowly moving on.  On the top, he put his three-legged shooting sticks up and used them to steady his binoculars. The nearest group of deer was foraging quite a bit in front of us. It was a doe with two fawns and a young doe from last year.

The disappointment in my guide’s voice was clear. “They are too far away”, he said.

”How far?” I asked silently blaming myself for not having a rangefinder with me.

His reply fell withour hesitation in the tone of voice you would expect from a man who has laid eyes on tens of thousands of roe deer through the years. “250 meters!” I lifted the ASV+ turret on the riflescope and turned it to the clear line between the 200 and 300 meter markings.

Zbigniew saw my move and understood immediately. Without uttering a word, he took a long step to the side to allow me free access to the shooting sticks. I placed the forearm in the fork of the sticks, turned the magnification to 10X and cocked the rifle. Zbigniew was staring at the deer seemingly very keen not to miss the show that was about to unfold before his eyes.

Moment of truth

”The right one!” he said to let me know that we were trying to bag the young doe. Less than a second later, the blast of the muzzle rolled over the landscape. Within the time it takes to blink, we got the sound of the bullet impact in return. It sounded like a distant but heavy blow to a large drum. The deer was knocked to the ground. It got up, while the others took flight, but it fell over immediately and never got on its feet again.

A loud and spontaneous ”WOW!” was Zbigniew’s only comment.  I turned towards him and was greeted by a wide smile. Roe deer was running wild all over the field and we both saw a single doe crossing the field behind us at full speed. Zbigniew quickly moved the sticks and said ”shoot if you get the chance!”. I had dialed the ASV+ turret back to 170 meters and thus I was ready for any distance between 150 and 200 meters.

I followed the jumping roe through the scope. Just a few seconds before it reached the salvation of the hedge it made the fatal mistake that seems imbedded deeply in the genes of roe deer. It stopped to orientate. The firing pin fell instantly – and so did the deer. The distance was approximately 180 meters. I was more than satisfied. The first two shots at game with the new rifle had resulted in to fine roe does. They fell less than 20 seconds apart and yet at a distance between them of nearly half a kilometer.

The guide went to pick up the car while I went to wait by the nearest deer.

The last bite

Zbigniew was there in a few minutes and he started the mandatory ceremony to honor the killed animal at once. He picked a bundle of short rapeseed twigs and placed most of them in the mouth of the roe as a last bite before its final journey to the eternal rapeseed fields. He gently dipped the remaining two twigs in the blood of the entrance wound, placed one on top of the bullet hole and presented me with the other carefully placed on his own hat. As I took it, he gave me a firm handshake and said “Darz Bór!” – an old Polish greeting between hunters. I replied using the same words and carefully placed the little twig with the heartblood of my quarry in my hat. It is a beautiful tradition and to Zbigniew there were no exceptions – all the game we killed was honored with the same heartfelt respect. 

We arranged the two animals for a photograph and in a matter of a few minutes, they were gralloched and loaded on the back of the car.

During the following days I had the good fortune to bag another eight of these shy Polish roe deer. The average shooting distance was in the area of 175 meters while a few were shot at as much as 250 meters. In total, I now have 12 empty spaces in my first box of ammo for this rifle. I am fairly content with the statistics so far considering I used two shots on paper. I choose to believe that the thousands of shots I have fired on paper targets during the past few decades have somehow improved my luck.

Grand finale

When we ended the hunt after three short days, we arranged all the deer for a photo on the lawn in front of the hunting house. As a final ceremony, our guides played the horn signals for “roe deer” and “Darz Bór” over the dead animals. The trophies of this remarkable three-day adventure were plentiful. First and foremost there is the happy memories of the hunt and the nice trip in the company of a good friend. However, the nice photos and not least the fantastic roe deer venison that hibernates in my deep freezer are also great trophies indeed.

When I raise my glass at our dinner table to toast “Darz Bór!” in the months to come my thoughts will fly to enormous Polish fields filled with light-footed roe deer, salty guides and a rifle I could blindly trust…


General Conditions for Poland 2020/21

Single Room Supplement
Unless agreed otherwise all accommodation is in double- or 3/4-bedded rooms. A supplement for single room will be charged for, if:

• you travel alone
• a group has an uneven number of persons
• you are given a single room in the accommodation - REGARDLESS of the reason.
• you sleep alone in a room with more beds
• you book a single room

Transport during the hunt
For most hunting districts a fixed price for transport during the hunt has been agreed. The price is per hunter, regardless if you are provided with an “individual” vehicle or not. The prices vary from Euro 40 – 60 per hunter per day.

The hunt
In Poland all hunting is on 1:1 basis – so that each hunter has his own hunting guide. The Polish hunting guide is responsible for choosing the game to be shot, but it is always the guest hunter who – after having been given the permission to shoot - decides if he/she wants to shoot or not. The hunting guide always does his best to
comply with the wishes of the hunter, but it is always the person behind the rifle who takes the final decision.

Extra days hunting
If you wish to extend your stay by one or more days, this should be arranged with your interpreter or us during your stay. In some cases an extension may not be

Interruption of hunting
If, for any reason, you leave the hunting district early, there will NOT be any reimbursement to clients for any planned activities that have been booked but not carried out.

Extra meals
A lengthened stay including a single meal will be charged at Euro 22.-.  A lengthened stay that includes 2 meals will be charged at the rate for a full extra day’s

If you bring your own dog you will be charged a sum of Euro 10,- per day, which will normally be payable directly to the hunting district. Please be aware that not all hunting districts will accept clients bringing their own dogs. To enter Poland a dog must have a valid dog passport and be able to be identified with a readable ear tattoo or microchip.

An interpreter is obligatory for all hunting districts. Please inform us in advance whether you would prefer an English or German speaking interpreter. In some districts the interpreter = hunt manager or hunting guide.

Agreements between DIANA’s clients and staff/forester in the districts will not be accepted under any circumstances. Any hunting guest is responsible for his signed protocol - regardless of ”private” agreements - verbal or written.

Trophy Deposit
When you confirm your booking of one of our hunts, we will request a trophy fee deposit. On your return home this amount will be adjusted to reflect the actual results
of your hunt. The deposits are as follows:

Red stag: Euro 1.100,-
Roebuck: Euro 200,-
Fallow buck: Euro 400,-
Wild boar: Euro 200,-
Mouflon: Euro 800,-
Driven/small driven hunts Euro 410,-

Game shot out of season
The Polish authorities have introduced a
system of charges for game shot during the
close season. The charges are as follows:

Red deer: 5,800- zloty
+ 2,000- zloty for trophies up to 5,5kg
+ 7,000 zloty for trophies over 5.5kg

Fallow deer: 2,300- zloty
+ 1,500- zloty for trophies up to 2,6kg
+ 3,000 zloty for trophies over 2.6kg

Sika deer: 5,500 zloty
+ 1,000 zloty for trophies up to 2.0kg
+ 2,500 zloty for trophies over 2.0kg

Roe deer: 2,000 zloty
+ 1,000 zloty for trophies up to 430g
+ 5,000 zloty for trophies over 430g

Mouflon: 1,800 zloty

Wild Boar: 2,300 zloty

Other species: 1,000 zloty

Game shot within the hunting season but without permission of the hunting leader has to be paid according to the trophy price list + a punishment of 100%.

We advice all hunters to oversee the weighing and measurement of trophies before signing the hunting protocol – regardless of which package you bought. If a hunter wishes to bring home the whole head of a game animal, its weight will be set in the hunting district. The cost will then be calculated from that weight. We therefore
can NOT recognise any claims arising from this. This also applies to the measurement of wild boar tusks. If a hunter wishes to bring home the whole head, the tusks
will be measured with the visible part being assumed to make up 1/3 of the total length. Trophies are normally weighed and measured 24 hours after boiling. If a hunter
leaves the district earlier than 24 hours after the trophy was boiled, it will be the wet weight that will be entered on the protocol and it will not be possible afterwards to
claim any refund on the price charged – regardless of circumstances. If you, for any reason, have cause to lodge a complaint or request a refund, this HAS TO be done in the protocol or it will not be possible for us to handle your case after you return home. Please note that when you sign the protocol you confirm that everything stated within it is 100% correct. 

Settling of your final account
The settling of your final account will take place after we has received the hunting protocol from Poland, which can take 4-6 weeks, regardless if monies will be refunded
or an extra charge made. An extra invoice has to be paid within 10 days, also if you by any reason have decided to leave the trophy and/or skins etc. in the district for later pick up or posting. Please be aware that sick or previously wounded game shot by the guest hunter and entered into the protocol has to be paid according to the usual price lists.

It has been determined by law that all hunts are to be reported to the police not later than 7 days before the beginning of the hunt - stating the exact dates for the hunt
and the address of the accommodation. This means that unannounced inspections can occur. They want to check if all personal papers are okay and also if the hunters are hunting with alcohol in the blood. The blood alcohol level for driving in Poland is 0.0% and the same goes for carrying a rifle.

Choice of calibre
Polish regulations state the following ROE DEER: From 100m the bullet must have energy on impact of 1,000 joules. OTHER GAME: From 100m the bullet must have energy on impact of 2,000 joules.

Driven-/small driven hunts
Please be aware that it is only allowed to use telescopic sights of max. x3 magnification for driven and small-driven hunting. Variable sights that can be adjusted down
to x3 magnification and below are allowed. That is to say that, for example a 2.5 – 10x magnification is allowed. Sights with a fixed magnification of more than x3 are not allowed. According to the polish law each hunter HAS to wear min. 2 elements in fluorescent colours – et means yellow or orange.

It is normal to give a small tip to your hunting guide, to the translator and the kitchen. How much you give is up to your own discretion.

Full Moon Calendar 2020/21
10th January
09th February
09th March
08th April
07th May
05th June
05th July
03rd August
02nd September
01st October
31st October
30th November
30th December
28th January
27th February
28th March

Hunting seasons 2020/21

Roebuck 09.05.-30.09.
Roe Does/Lambs 01.10.-17.01.
Red Stag 21.08.-28.02.
Red Deer Hind 01.09.-17.01.
Red Deer Calf 01.09.-28.02.
Fallow Stag 01.09.-28.02.
Fallow Deer Does and Kids 01.09.-28.02.
Wild boar: Keilers, yearlings, piglets Whole Year
Mouflon Rams 01.10.-28.02.
Mouflon Ewes/Lambs 01.10.-17.01.
Fox 30.05.-31.03.
Badger 01.09.-30.11.
Racoon dog Whole Year
Wild Ducks 15.08.-21.12.
Wild geese, West Poland 01.09.-31.01.

The price includes

  • 4 days accommodation with full board
  • 3 days combination hunt
  • Unlimited shooting of red deer hinds/calves, fallow deer does/calves, roe deer does and kids and
    wild boars during the small driven hunt
  • Organisation fee
  • Transport during the samll driven hunt
  • All licences and related fees
  • Boiling of trophies

The price does not include

  • Shot game on the individual hunt
  • Transport during the individual hunt, PLN 320,- per hunter/per day
  • Stay without hunt/non-hunter per day €60,-
  • Supplement for single room per day € 25,-
  • Interpreter per person/day (optional - must be ordered in advance) € 81,-
  • EU-public liability insurance € 10,00 (obligatory)
  • Travel insurance
  • Cancellation insurance
  • Tips
  • Searching for wounded game € 130,-
  • Sale of venison:
    - Roe deer, € 7,10 per kg.
    - Wild boar, € 4,30 per kg.
    - Other wildgame € 5,80 per kg.
  • Sale of skins:
    - Untreated (whole animal), € 4,30 per kg.
    - Untreated (for shoulder mounts), € 115 (roe and wildboar)
    - € 115 for fallow deer, € 150 for red deer
    - Fox and raccoon dog (whole animal), € 30,-

Trophy Price List

Doe/calf                                € 107,-

Hind/Calf                              € 120,-

Roe/lamb                             €   65,-

Wild Boar:
140 mm - 159 mm                   €         500,00
160 mm – 199 mm                  €         660,00 + €  16,75 pr. mm over 160 mm
200 mm and above                  €      1.330,00 + €  26,60 pr. mm over 201 mm

Keilers under 140 mm and for piglets and yearlings are charged for by weight, as follows:
Piglets, yearlings:
Up to 29,99 kg                        €         105,00
30-59,99 kg                            €         206,00
From 60 kg and up                  €         420,00
Wounding                               €         172,00 



 Price pr. 15/1-2024


Anne Fick

Telephone: (+45) 63 21 43 15

Michael Holstein Schmidt

Telephone: (+45) 63 21 43 11

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