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Trofæprisliste - bukkejagt i Kliniska - Polen

Trophy Price List
All roebucks shot will be settled according to the following price-list:                          
Buck               €        495,00
Wigged buck    €     2.700,00
Wounding        €         430,00

It will also be possible to shoot wild boars according to the following price list:
Wild Boar:
140 mm - 159 mm                   €         850,00
160 mm – 199 mm                  €         870,00 + €  21,25 pr. mm over 160 mm
200 mm and above                  €      1.720,00 + €  11,60 pr. mm over 201 mm

Keilers under 140 mm and for piglets and yearlings are charged for by weight, as follows:
Piglets, yearlings:
Up to 29,99 kg                        €         130,00
30-49,99 kg                            €         260,00
50-79,99 kg                            €         460,00
From 80 kg and up                   €        675,00

Wounding                               €         170,00

The following discount is available for wild boars:
50% discount on boars up to 13,9 cm tuckers (not on wounding) 



Exchange rate pr. 15 / 1-2024

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